Simple Feed

The following message was distributed by Father Francis on Wednesday, October 7 at 2:53pm through our Saint Finbar Church Flocknote communications platform. If you haven’t already, please sign-up now to receive important parish news and information updates as soon as they are released! Sign-up is easy and sign-up is free! Please click on the link to sign-up today!

Our Future Is Bright Because Christ Is Our Light!

To the members of the Saint Finbar Church community:

As we continue our journey together through the COVID-19 health emergency, we are grateful for the faithfulness of our community and for your steadfast support. Your generosity is making it possible for us to continue our mission during very challenging times.

As a community of faith and a community with anticipatory faith, we are not only dealing with the challenges of the COVID-19 health emergency, we are also planning for the eventual reopening of our church.

Faith Formation and Confirmation

On Sunday, October 4th Confirmation classes began for the academic year. Faith Formation classes for children in grades 1 – 8 will commence classes on Tuesday, October 20th. If you have yet to enroll your child or teenager in Faith Formation or Confirmation classes, please contact Aneli Torres at: You can also call the parish office Monday through Friday from 9am to 4pm at: (818) 940-3921 for more information.

Faith Formation and Confirmation classes are being conducted in the distance learning environment until we can open our facilities for in-person instruction. Since it won’t be long until in-person classes can begin, we are expanding physical classroom sizes in the Faith Center to provide ample space for safe social distancing when in-person classes resume.

Baptisms and Baptism Preparation

Baptism preparation classes are available. Again, please contact the parish office for information. Baptisms continue uninterrupted on a monthly basis. At this time, Baptisms are held outside by our grotto. This allows for safe social distancing for families celebrating the Baptism of their child.

Parish Ministries

Over the next few weeks I am hosting Zoom meetings with our ministry leaders. The focus of the meetings is the planning for the reopening of our church building and the resumption of in-person worship as well as in-person ministry work.

Please rest assured as soon as we can open our facilities we are and will be ready to “welcome you home.” 

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Please contact me at (818) 940-3922 if you desire to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Confession is by appointment and I am available to schedule your appointment. Simply call me for an available time.

Thank you!

As a community with anticipatory faith we are eager to open our doors and we are ready to receive you. I am grateful for the continuing outpouring of support and the generosity of our community members. I humbly ask that you continue your support. Every gift received assists us in our work now and assists us as we plan for the reopening of our facilities. With your prayers, it won’t be long until we can gather in our church and return to in-person engagement. While the challenges today are real, we are in faith imagining our post-pandemic community. Our future is bright because Christ is our light!


Father Francis

We are invited to share in the banquet feast of God in the Eucharist. May we always come prepared to receive the fullness of God’s love and mercy at the table of the Lord.