As we enter deep in the Summer Season and prepare for the 4th of July Holiday, may this be a time of rest, relaxation, and RECREATION. RECREATION is necessary for our journey because God desires to renew us in order to be greater instruments of love and grace. God RECREATES us through times of rest and connection with family. I myself throughout the month of July will be enjoying some time of RECREATION with my family in Japan and the Philippines. Please pray for my family and I during our vacation and travel. While away, I have asked a dear friend, Fr. Alejandro, OP to take residence at St. Finbar and be of service to the community. Please give a warm St. Finbar welcome to Fr. Alejandro. He gives his introduction to the community at the 2:30 mark on the video.
Please note that the Friday Updates will take a break for the next 4 weeks while I am away. It will return on Friday August 4th. May all of you be blest with time for rest and RECREATION this summer.
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