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Friday Finbar Update with Father Francis – 09/15/23

The manner in which God pours out His love upon us is LAVISH.  His mercy is LAVISH.  His grace is LAVISH....

Friday Finbar Update with Fr. Francis – 9/08/23

A life FULFILLED is the life God desires for us. A life FULFILLED is one of deep purpose and joy. We...

Friday Finbar Update with Fr. Francis – 9/01/23

The CROSS is part of the journey of faith here on earth. We will hear Jesus telling us in the Gospel...

Friday Finbar Update with Father Francis – 08/25/23

FEAR is a constant part of our human experience.  FEAR  reminds us that we are not in control.  But as God’s...

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)- Registration is now open!

If you are an adult (18 years or older) who is in need to receive any or all of the Sacraments...

Friday Finbar Update with Fr. Francis – 8/18/23

Another story of FAITH is presented to us in this Sunday’s gospel of a woman begging Jesus to cure her daughter...