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Sexto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario – Misa en Español 2/14/21

Mientras celebramos el hermoso don del amor en este Día de San Valentín, permanezcamos abiertos a recibir la efusión del amor...

Friday Finbar Update with Fr. Francis 2/12/21

As we prepare to celebrate the gift of love this Valentine’s Day, we remember that God’s love is FAITHFUL. May we...

Ash Wednesday Schedule

To the members of the Saint Finbar Church community: Our schedule for Ash Wednesday, February 17, 2021 is as follows: 8:00am...

5th Sunday of Ordinary Time – Mass in English 2/07/21

We are healed in God’s love so that we may serve in God’s love and to bring that love ever more...

Quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario – Misa en Español 2/07/21

Somos sanados por el amor de Dios para servir en el amor de Dios y para traer ese amor cada vez...

Friday Finbar Update with Fr. Francis 2/05/21

Yahweh I know you are NEAR Standing always at my side You guard me from the foe And You lead me...