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Décimo Primer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario – Misa en Español 06/13/21

Mientras comenzamos el nuevo Tiempo Litúrgico Ordinario, estamos llamados por nuestro Señor a crecer. Que nuestra fe sea cultivada para que...

Friday Finbar Update with Fr. Francis 6/11/21

Today we celebrate the SACRED Heart of Jesus. May we as Christian disciples remain open to receive the love that pours...

The Solemnity of the Most Sacred Body and Blood of Christ – Mass in English 6/6/2021

Today we celebrate the gift of the Eucharist which allows us to remain in communion with our Lord. Through God’s holy...

La Solemnidad del Santísimo Cuerpo y Sangre de Cristo – Misa en Español 6/6/2021

Hoy celebramos el regalo de la Santa Eucaristía que nos permite permanecer en comunión con nuestro Señor. Que por medio de...

Friday Finbar Update with Fr. Francis 6/04/21

As we PREPARE to celebrate the Solemnity of Corpus Christi (The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ)...

Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity – Mass in English 5/30/2021

The revelation of God as TRINITY shows us that God is relationship, a communion of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in...