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XX Domingo Ordinario – Misa en Español 08/16/20

Continuemos perseverando en la fe, la cual nos permite permanecer firmes en nuestras pruebas. Recordemos que la gracia de Dios nos...

Friday Finbar Update with Fr. Francis 8/14/20

A Message from Father Francis:  “Let us continue to PERSEVERE in faith, PERSEVERE in prayer, and PERSEVERE in kindness. May we...

New Sunday Mass Schedule – August 11, 2020

Revised Sunday Mass Schedule To the members of the Saint Finbar Church community: As I said in Sunday’s homily, in the...

19th Sunday of Ordinary Time – Mass in English 8/09/20

As we navigate our lives during this pandemic where nothing is solid, and everything is constantly changing, may we keep our...

XIX Domingo Ordinario – Misa en Español 08/09/20

Al navegar por nuestra vida durante esta pandemia donde nada es sólido, y todo está cambiando constantemente, tenemos que mantener nuestros...

Friday Finbar Update with Fr. Francis 08/07/20

A Message from Father Francis: “It is not good for man to be alone. We were made for relationship, not for...