News & Events

Friends of the Poor Walk

The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul at Saint Finbar Church invites you to join them for their annual Friends of...

Young Adult Hike & Holy Mass

All young adults ages of 18-35 are invited to join us for our Hike and Holy Mass with Rev. Francis Mendoza...

Stop The Bleed Workshop

The Saint Finbar Health Ministry is hosting a stop the bleed workshop provided by Providence Holy Cross Medical Center. The workshop will...

Saint Finbar Summer Bible Camp

Our Saint Finbar Summer Bible Camp is FREE for students in Kindergarten through 3rd. grade who are fully registered in our...

2019 Holy Spirit Novena

Please join us for the Holy Spirit Novena which will commence on Thursday, May 30th at 7pm in the church. Please...

Divine Mercy Sunday!

Please join us on Sunday, April 28th for our Divine Mercy celebration from 12:30pm to 4:00pm! The Sacrament of Reconciliation is...

2019 Saint Finbar Fiesta!

All are invited to our annual Saint Finbar Fiesta beginning on May 3rd. This three day affair will have games and a food...

Holy Week and Easter Sunday Schedule

Please find below our Holy Week and Easter Sunday schedule. Holy Thursday – April 18th 7:00pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper...

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Best Private School

Congratulations St. Finbar School for receiving 2018 Best Private School!