Masonry 3 Columns

Universal Desire For God
July 1, 2017

Saint Finbar Church – Seeker Session on the Universal Desire For God

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Reality of the Journey
July 1, 2017

Saint Finbar Church – Seeker Session snippet about Reality of the Journey

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Blessing of the Animals
June 30, 2017

Blessing of the Animals at Saint Finbar Church in Burbank, CA on Holy Saturday.

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Easter Vigil 2017
June 30, 2017

This short video celebrates the reception of new members to our community at the 2017 Easter Vigil.

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Children Christmas Song
June 30, 2017

Children of Saint Finbar Church celebrating Christmas in song.

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Giving To God Made Easy
June 29, 2017

Today we offer an online giving program which is both an easy and convenient way to give to God and support Saint Finbar Church.

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