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02 JunEucharistic Mission At Saint Finbar Church

Please join us each night from Monday, June 18th through Thursday, June 21st at 7pm in Saint Finbar Church for a…

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12 AprAdoration Chapel Sign-Up!

We are seeking parishioners to participate in our Eucharistic Adoration Initiative. Please contact the Lilia Acevedo at 818-940-3910 for more information and if…

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18 FebHoly Week & Easter Sunday Schedule

Please find below our Holy Week and Easter Sunday schedule. Holy Thursday – March 29th 7:00pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper…

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17 FebYouth Hip-Hop Classes Now Available!

To the members of the Saint Finbar Church community: We are excited to announce St. Finbar Church Community’s First Youth Hip-Hop class…

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