Simple Feed
June 20, 2021
XII Domingo Ordinario – Misa en Español 6/20/2021
¡Feliz Día del Padre a todos nuestros papás y figuras paternas que continúan ayudándonos y guiándonos en nuestra vida!
A través de cada dificultad, lucha y tormenta, solo necesitamos recordar que Jesús está con nosotros en el barco y que Cristo camina con nosotros en nuestra crisis. Solo necesitamos tener fe! Que Dios nuestro Padre continúe dándonos fuerza y aliento en nuestro caminar al cielo.
June 19, 2021
Friday Finbar Update with Father Francis – 06/18/21
This weekend, as Archbishop lifts the dispensation from the Sunday Mass Obligation, we are called as God’s family to RETURN to the Father’s House. This RETURN has been a long time coming and we are grateful to God’s grace that has made it possible. Gathering as God’s people we will RETURN to our pre-pandemic liturgical practices including processions, communion lines, and singing! May our RETURN to the Father’s house be a true celebration of faith and community.