Simple Feed

As we prepare for the celebration of Ascension as well as the outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit at Pentecost, we as a family of God are called to PRAY! PRAY is what our Blessed Mother and the Apostles did in the Upper Room between the Ascension and Pentecost. And PRAY is what I am inviting the whole community to as we prepare for a new beginning for our Church and our mission as Christian disciples. Please PRAY that God may continue to lead us and our community. Please also PRAY in a special way for all of our teens and adult candidates for Confirmation.

Made in the image and likeness of God who is love, we are called in our gospel this Sunday to “love one another as I love you”. We look to the example of our Lord Jesus Christ who gave himself in humble service and sacrifice to the Father as the greatest witness of love. May we pray for the grace to do the same in order to bring the reality of God’s love more fully on earth.