Simple Feed

As we journey in this Easter Season, the season of new life, part of what God desires to bring to us is RESTORATION. Our Father God sent His Son to bring RESTORATION to our lives and the whole world. May we stay open to the grace that heals and restores us to our true dignity as beloved children of God.

We look forward to re-opening the Church for indoor Masses starting this weekend. This is a great sign of the RESTORATION God is bringing to our community. Our indoor Masses this weekend are as follows:

Saturday: 5pm English, 7pm Vietnamese
Sunday: 7am English, 9am Spanish, 11am English

Blessings on this 2nd Sunday of Easter also known as Divine Mercy Sunday. As we journey into the season of new life, part of what God desires to restore and renew is our relationships with one another. We open our hearts to receive the outpouring of God’s DIVINE MERCY so that we may be instruments of love and mercy for the world.