Simple Feed
March 7, 2021
Tercer Domingo de Cuaresma – Misa en Español 3/07/21
Mientras Jesús limpia el templo en el Evangelio de este Domingo, también desea limpiar el templo de nuestros corazones. Permanezcamos abiertos y humildes para que este proceso se produzca a medida que continuamos nuestro viaje de conversión y renovación durante esta Cuaresma.
March 6, 2021
Our Lenten Journey of Love!
To the members of the Saint Finbar Church Community:
On Ash Wednesday, I marveled at the size of the crowds as faithful members of our community gathered outside to observe the beginning of the Season of Lent and the start of our “Lenten Journey of Love.”
Undeterred by the ongoing pandemic, so many of us gathered as a people of faith, as disciples of Christ and members of our very special faith community. I’m proud to say, “We are Saint Finbar Church!”
During my homilies on that day I mentioned it feels like we’ve been in Lent for the past year! So much has changed, so much will continue to change and yet we place our trust in God. Humble trust, faith in God and a renewed purpose to transform our world in the likeness of Jesus Christ. It’s who we are and it’s what we believe. We continue on this journey of faith through the Season of Lent.
This season, in particular, it is a time not just to give things up but to “give it up to God!” It’s a time to surrender our faults, our missteps, and even our regrets to the mercy of God, to the love of God and accept His love in return. Lent is a time of transformation and a time of preparation for Easter.
We’ve been through so much together this past year. Let us unite our sufferings with the sufferings of Christ and prepare ourselves for a rebirth of faith. As our economy begins to open, and God blesses us with new opportunities for ourselves, we are provided a unique opportunity to make known the Good News of Salvation as disciples of Christ! It is by God’s mercy we will arrive at the end of the pandemic ready to transform the world!
Whether you join us from home this Lenten Season or join us in the parking lot each Sunday for Mass, we share a common bond – the promise of eternal life through the merits of Jesus Christ and, through the waters of Baptism, our dignity as children of God has been restored!
As we journey through this time of Lenten preparation – a time in which we embrace the Cross of Christ to share in His resurrected glory at Easter – I will be hosting a holy hour on Friday evenings from 6:30pm – 7:30pm with exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on our outdoor altar in the parking lot and offering the Sacrament of Reconciliation in the nearby alcove on the school campus.
I urge you to actively participate in preparing yourself for the glory of Easter as the Saint Finbar Church community embraces this “Lenten Journey of Love.” This journey prepares us, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to accept the love and forgiveness offered by God the Father through the Sacred Heart of God the Son.
At Saint Finbar Church, we journey together and not alone. We’ve come through so much as a community of believers and as disciples of Christ over the past twelve months. Please join us for our Lenten Journey of Love and prepare ourselves for all of the blessings God offers as we transform ourselves, transform our world, and begin anew at Easter.
Our restorations is not far away. Together, let us prepare to be there on time and on task as our economy begins to open and as we begin a new life in Christ at Easter!
Father Francis