Simple Feed

MAY is a very special month for our Church. It is the month dedicated to our Blessed Mother Mary. MAY is also when we honor our own earthly mothers. Mother’s Day is celebrated on Sunday, MAY 12th this year. MAY we thank God for the incredible blessings that our mothers and our Blessed Mother are in our lives. We also continue the celebration of New Life in the Easter Season in the month of MAY as we celebrate First Communions and Confirmations this month. Please keep all of our children, teens, and adults preparing for their sacraments.

Lastly, the first weekend of MAY is a celebration of our community. Please come join us this weekend: MAY 3, 4, and 5 starting at 6 pm this evening for our Fiesta. MAY this weekend be a time of great joy and blessings for our St. Finbar community.

This Sunday, we will hear Jesus proclaim that he is the vine and we are the branches. We will be invited to REMAIN in him. The only way we can produce good fruit is to REMAIN in the Lord. His grace and mercy flows through us as long as we stay connected and are in communion with him. So let us take to heart Jesus’ command to REMAIN in him. Let us REMAIN in his love, grace, and spirit constantly throughout our day.