Simple Feed

Come, come, EMMANUEL, Son of God appear.
Heaven and earth rejoice!
Salvation is drawing near.
Salvation is drawing near.

As we come to the final days of Advent and prepare for the birth of our Savior, we recall that God’s name is EMMANUEL, meaning God with us. God loves us so much that he enters our humanity to assure that he will be with us in all of our human experience. EMMANUEL assures us that we will never be abandoned or forsaken. May we continue to trust in God’s promise that he truly will be with us until the very end. May our hearts prepare room for EMMANUEL to be born anew!

Wishing you and all your loved ones a very blessed and Merry Christmas!

This coming Sunday is the 3rd Sunday of Advent known as Gaudete Sunday, the Sunday of JOY! We are called to live in JOY as Christian disciples in this world. JOY brings light in the darkness, and hope to the hopeless. JOY comes not from having all of our problems magically disappear but precisely in knowing that the Lord will never abandon us on the journey of faith. He constantly guides us as our Good Shepherd. He is our JOY and our salvation!