Simple Feed

The COMMANDMENTS were given to God’s people as a guide to build right relationships. Jesus takes the law and the prophets and sums them up into the 2 great COMMANDMENTS to love God above all, and to love our neighbor as ourselves. COMMANDMENTS exist not to impede us, but allow us to live and express fully God’s call to be in communion. COMMANDMENTS help us to use our freedom the right way.

What is it the we truly OWN in this world? Everything we OWN and possess comes from the Lord. Most importantly, we do not OWN our lives. Our lives belong to the Lord. When we were baptized, we died to ourselves and rose to a new life in Christ. Since then, our lives have not been our OWN. We are called to return our lives daily to the Lord in sacrifice so that He may use as instruments to make manifest His love and grace for our world.