Simple Feed
September 2, 2023
Friday Finbar Update with Fr. Francis – 9/01/23
The CROSS is part of the journey of faith here on earth. We will hear Jesus telling us in the Gospel this Sunday that those who wish to follow him must deny themselves and pick up their CROSS. Our humanity desires a life free from suffering, free from the CROSS. But God knows that new life happens when we are able to embrace the CROSS and make a journey of faith with Him. May we pray for the grace to bear the CROSS we carry with deep trust and confidence in God.
August 26, 2023
Friday Finbar Update with Father Francis – 08/25/23
FEAR is a constant part of our human experience. FEAR reminds us that we are not in control. But as God’s children we are called to live in faith and surrender to the Lord. As another school year began this past Tuesday, the school community was introduced to the theme ”LOVE over FEAR”. We cannot eradicate FEAR completely, but united with God, in His grace we can always choose to love instead of FEAR. As we confront this reality, may we do so with the full confidence and trust in the love and mercy of our Heavenly Father. May we live out “LOVE over FEAR” with total faith in the Lord.