Simple Feed

“I am sending the promise of my Father upon you; but stay in the city until you are clothed with POWER from on high.” Luke 24:49

This coming Sunday, we will gather for the final Sunday of the Easter Season, the celebration of Pentecost Sunday. Fifty days after Easter, the Apostles received the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the POWER of God’s love to proclaim Jesus Christ to all nations. We too have received this POWER first at our baptism and then again sealed into us on the day of our Confirmation. This POWER is the POWER of God’s love that makes all things new. As we prepare to gather for Pentecost Sunday, may we pray for a fresh outpouring of the POWER of God’s love so that we as new creations in the Lord, may renew this world in His love and mercy.

God loves us by being in COMMUNION with us. His desire is that we remain in Him as He remains in us. We are given this oneness, this COMMUNION through God’s love and mercy. Our COMMUNION with God is the food that nourishes our hearts and souls. May we always strive to be in COMMUNION with God, who constantly gives us the grace and strength on our journey of faith.

Congratulations to all of our young disciples of the community who received their First Holy COMMUNION last Saturday. Let us continue to keep them in our prayers.