Simple Feed

“No one has GREATER love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” -John 15:13

God truly loves us with a love GREATER than a human love. He calls us to share this GREATER love with one another as His children. This love is one of service and sacrifice. As we prepare for Mother’s Day, may we recognize this GREATER love that Jesus describes made visible in the love of our mothers who continually lay their lives down for us their children.

Our current Mass schedule is as follows: 

Saturday Evenings
5pm Mass in English
7pm Mass in Vietnamese

7am Mass in English
9am Mass in Spanish
11am Mass in English

8am Mass in English (Monday thru Friday)
6:30pm Mass in Spanish (Wednesday)
7pm Mass in Vietnamese (Friday)

Please join the Saint Finbar Church Flocknote platform to receive the latest parish news and information as well as timely updates on our Mass schedule. 

The Saint Finbar Church Pastoral Team