Simple Feed

On the 4th Sunday of Easter, we celebrate GOOD SHEPHERD Sunday. Jesus Christ our GOOD SHEPHERD desires to lead us to a new life filled with grace and blessings, a life of deeper peace, joy, and love. The journey is never easy, but as we remember Christ’s presence at every step, we will have the courage and faith to journey on until we arrive at our final destination: our heavenly home. May we pray for the humility and openness to listen to the voice of our GOOD SHEPHERD and follow him in every moment of our lives.

There are times on our faith journey where God’s presence seems HIDDEN to us. In those times when God is not readily apparent, we have a tendency to move in places of fear. This is what we encounter in the Gospel from this Sunday. Jesus’ identity was HIDDEN from the two disciples walking with him on the Road to Emmaus. He was, however, finally revealed at the breaking of the bread. When God’s presence is HIDDEN, it is an invitation for us to seek and to live with faith believing in God’s promise that we as his beloved children will never be abandoned. Much like the HIDDEN Easter eggs our little children seek for excitedly at Easter, may we too remain in faith continuing to seek God’s HIDDEN presence in the most unlikely places.