Simple Feed

All of us are in a gradual process of transformation and TRANSFIGURATION by God’s grace to the likeness of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Tomorrow (August 6th) is the Feast of the TRANSFIGURATION of Our Lord. In God’s love and mercy, may we also shine the presence of God’s light to bring about the TRANSFIGURATION of the world.

To the members of the Saint Finbar Church community:

I am happy to announce a new series of talks for the parish so that we may grow together in faith and fellowship.  Please join me and fellow members of the Saint Finbar Church community for a series of evening events called “Cabernet and Catholicism” as we explore in fun, fruitful, and inspiring ways the bountiful richness of our faith. Yes! Wine (and appetizers) will be served! Please mark your calendars now! All events in the series will be hosted in Albert Hall and will commence at 7pm! 


Fr. Francis