Simple Feed

Today we celebrate the Feast of Saints Martha, Mary, and Lazarus. They were the siblings who lived in Bethany and often welcomed Jesus in their home in FELLOWSHIP and hospitality. They were great friends with Jesus who built a beautiful closeness with the Lord.

We too are called to build communities of FELLOWSHIP. By walking with one another in faith, we are able to support one another in the most difficult moments of our lives. May we continue to build our FELLOWSHIP with one another in community and truly be brothers and sisters in Christ for one another.


We are currently looking for new catechists to help with our Faith Formation/Religious Education with the children and Confirmation program with the teens. If you are feeling called to help out our parish in this way, please reach out to Veronica Hernandez by phone at: 818.940.3928 or by email:

Also we are looking to restart our Altar Server Ministry for children and teens. If you are interested, please call the Parish office to sign up. You must be at least an incoming 4th grader having had your first communion. Altar Server training is scheduled for Saturday August 13, 2022 at 11 am.

Today we celebrate the Feast of St. Mary Magdalene, the very FIRST witness of the Resurrection. Her encounter with the Lord Jesus changed her life completely, and having been healed by Christ, she gave her life over to Jesus and made him FIRST in all things. Her faith was unshaken, and even throughout the crucifixion when his disciples had fled, she was present at the feet of Jesus along with Mary, our blessed mother.

We are called to make sure our priorities in life are ordered by placing Jesus Christ as our FIRST priority. May we pray for the grace to truly keep God FIRST in all that we do.


We are currently looking for new catechists to help with our Faith Formation/Religious Education with the children and Confirmation program with the teens. If you are feeling called to help out our parish in this way, please reach out to Veronica Hernandez by phone at: 818.940.3928 or by email: