Simple Feed
July 16, 2022
Friday Finbar Update with Fr. Francis 7/15/2022
Jesus sums up the law and the prophets by giving us the two great commandments: Love God above all, and love our NEIGHBOR as ourselves. Last Sunday, we heard the parable of the “Good Samaritan” which continues to challenge us and calls us to reflect on how we treat one another as NEIGHBORS. May we pray for the grace to show the presence of Christ to one another as NEIGHBORS in the Lord.
Thank you for your generous contribution to last weekend’s Mission Appeal. I’m grateful for your hospitality to Fr. Ed Rogan who shared about the work that is going on especially in the Diocese of Chulucanas, Peru.
Thank you for being good NEIGHBORS to our brothers and sisters in need. May we continue to be a community who truly reflects Jesus’ commandment to love our NEIGHBOR.
July 9, 2022
Friday Finbar Update with Fr. Francis 7/08/2022
As Christian Disciples, we are sent on MISSION to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ to the world. We all have a MISSION as baptized Christians. There are however, people whom God calls to a special MISSION to proclaim the Good News to the most remotest parts of our world. As God’s family, we are invited to help their MISSION spiritually with our prayers, and financially with our resources.
This weekend is MISSION Appeal Sunday. Please welcome Fr. Ed Rogan who will share with the St. Finbar community the MISSIONARY work that is going on especially in the Diocese of Chulucanas, Peru. May we be as generous as possible in support of his MISSION as well as all other MISSIONARY activity throughout the whole world.