In: Community Life

18th Sunday of Ordinary Time – Mass in English 8/02/20

Our God desires to nourish us with an outpouring of His grace in the Eucharist. As we acknowledge our deepest hungers...

XVIII Domingo Ordinario – Misa en Español 08/02/20

Dios nuestro Señor, desea nutrirnos con una efusión de Su gracia en la Eucaristía. Al reconocer nuestros deseos más profundos y...

17th Sunday of Ordinary Time – Mass in English 7/26/20

On our faith journey, the Lord makes a promise that those who devote their lives in seeking Him, will indeed find...

XVII Domingo Ordinario – Misa en Español 07/26/20

En nuestro caminar de fe, el Señor nos hace una promesa de que aquellos que dedicamos nuestra vida a buscarlo, ciertamente...

Mass in Vietnamese – 17th Sunday of Ordinary Time

On our faith journey, the Lord makes a promise that those who devote their lives in seeking Him, will indeed find...

16th Sunday of Ordinary Time – Mass in English 7/19/20

As wheat planted among the weeds, may we be steadfast in faith and continue to choose love constantly as we shine...

XVI Domingo Ordinario – Misa en Español 07/19/20

Como trigo plantado entre cizaña, permanezcamos firmes en la fe y continuemos amando constantemente para radiar la luz de Dios a...

Mass In Vietnamese – 16th Sunday of Ordinary Time

As wheat planted among the weeds, may we be steadfast in faith and continue to choose love constantly as we shine...

15th Sunday of Ordinary Time – Mass in English 7/12/20

As we hear the parable of the sower in today’s Gospel, Jesus invites us to allow the seeds of faith to...

XV Domingo Ordinario – Misa en Español 07/12/20

Al escuchar la parábola del sembrador en el Evangelio de hoy, Jesús nos invita a permitir que las semillas de la...