God desires to infuse this world with His DIVINE presence and grace to transform us into new creations. Through the resurrection, he opens the doorway for us to share in His DIVINE life. This Sunday, we will celebrate the gift of God’s love in DIVINE Mercy. May we stay open to God’s Holy Spirit as he renews us in His love.
Congratulations to our brothers and sisters who received the Easter Sacraments of Initiation on Holy Saturday Night receiving DIVINE grace as beloved children of God:
Charles Camacho
Martin De La Cruz
Danica Delgado
Porsha Jamshidinia
Brayden Krase
Steven Krase
Joseph Westmoreland
Please pray now for our 3 sisters who will be received fully in the Catholic Church at the 11am Mass this Sunday. They will be confirmed and receive their first communion as well:
Veronica Dominguez
Serena Jimenez
Tamara Lusher
Lastly, please join us for our special celebration of DIVINE Mercy Sunday. Here is a link to our schedule for that day: https://stfinbarburbank.org/2022/04/12/2022-sunday-of-the-divine-mercy-schedule/
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