
Welcome to our blog.

We are CHOSEN by God to bring His light and love to this world in desperate need of His presence. When we find ourselves asking the question, “Where is God?”, we must remember that we are the ones CHOSEN to be the answer, and we are the ones CHOSEN to bring His presence there.

Everything that we are and everything that we have are gifts from God, and ultimately belong to God. May we pray for the grace of SURRENDER as we remember that our lives and our service belong to our Heavenly Father.

Todo lo que somos y todo lo que tenemos son regalos de Dios, y al final de cuentas todo pertenece a Dios. Oremos por la gracia de una ENTREGA TOTAL a Dios mientras recordamos que nuestras vidas y nuestro servicio pertenecen a nuestro Padre Celestial.