
Welcome to our blog.

Amidst all of the uncertainty and heavy burdens we continue to carry during this time, St. Paul in his letter to the Philippians urges us to guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus in the PEACE of God. Lord make me an instrument of your PEACE.

The St. Vincent de Paul Conference of St. Finbar Church is hosting a Bundle Sunday on Sunday, October 25. The St. Vincent de Paul truck will be in the school’s parking lot from 9:15am to 2:00pm to receive your donations. Please bring usable clothing, shoes, small appliances, household items, linens, books, etc. For large items including furniture, appliances, and vehicles, please call (800) 974-3571 for a free pick up at your home. Remember your contributions will be helping the needy. Thank you!

La Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul de San Finbar está patrocinando el Domingo de Donación el 25 de Octubre en el estacionamiento de la escuela de 9:15am a 2:00pm. Por favor traiga ropa en buenas condiciones, juguetes, ropa de cama, utensilios de cocina y pequeños aparatos eléctricos que estén trabajando al camión de San Vicente de Paul el cual estará recibiendo sus donaciones para así ayudar a aquellos en necesidad en el área de Los Ángeles. Si usted tiene aparatos de cocina o muebles grandes que le gustaría donar, por favor llame al 1-800-974-3571 para arreglar que lo recojan en su casa. ¡Muchas gracias!

To the members of the Saint Finbar Church community:

We are pleased to announce grade school Faith Formation classes and high school Confirmation classes for the new academic year will commence in early October. Enrollment is open for students in grades 1 – 8 and for high school students preparing for Confirmation. Please contact Aneli Torres at: aneli@stfinbarburbank.org or contact the parish office at (818) 940-3921 between 9am and 4pm Monday through Friday for registration information. Registration forms and payment information are available online here.

Due to the COVID-19 health emergency, distance learning will be deployed for at least the month of October. As restrictions ease, in-person instruction for children in grades 1 – 8 will occur in newly expanded spaces in the Saint Finbar Church Faith Center, and Confirmation students will meet in-person in the Saint Finbar Church Community Center. At all times following the resumption of in-person classes, adequate social distancing for students will be provided.

As we journey together through the COVID-19 health emergency and into a “new normal,” our priority is and will remain the safety and well-being of our parish families and our community’s children.

We are excited to continue our mission of providing the best and most comprehensive faith learning experience possible and we look forward to commencing instruction for the new academic year in early October. Again, please contact Aneli Torres at: aneli@stfinbarburbank.org or contact the the parish office at (818) 940-3921 Monday through Friday from 9am and 4pm for registration information. Registration forms and payment information are available online here.


Father Francis