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November 9, 2024
Friday Finbar Update with Fr. Francis – 11/08/24
JESUS is our rock. JESUS is our hope and sure foundation. JESUS is our King! In all of the uncertainties and doubts we encounter in life, our Lord JESUS Christ makes a promise to us that he will be with us until the very end. JESUS our Good Shepherd, never abandons us. May we trust that the whole world truly is in the hands of God. May JESUS, the true Prince of Peace, grant us the grace and peace we need in every moment of confusion, doubt, and uncertainty.
November 2, 2024
Friday Finbar Update with Fr. Francis – 11/01/24
On our journey here on earth, our final destination is HEAVEN. HEAVEN is what is promised to us by God. HEAVEN will be our complete and total union with God and the Saints. On the Solemnity of All Saints which we celebrate today coupled with the Feast of of All Souls tomorrow, the church invites us to remain focused on the end goal of our lives which is to reach HEAVEN, the place God created for all of us to share eternity with him. May we constantly be open to the grace to stay faithful to our Lord while here on earth so that we all may eventually enter into HEAVEN!