
Welcome to our blog.

El Señor nos hace una pregunta muy importante este Domingo: “¿Quién dices tú que soy yo?” Al reflexionar de una forma profunda y auténtica, llegamos al conocimiento que ÉL es Cristo, nuestra roca y cimiento seguro.

A Message from Father Francis:

“As we journey forward during this difficult time of the pandemic, we are called to PATIENT TRUST in God’s care and providence for us His children. For a copy of the Prayer/Poem by Fr. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, SJ – please click on the link below.”

Prayer/Poem by Fr. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, SJ

Saint Finbar Church Flocknote Group

If you haven’t already done so, please consider joining our Saint Finbar Church Flocknote group so we can provide you with important parish news and keep you “in the know” as we journey together through the COVID-19 health emergency. You can join by going to https://saintfinbarchurch.flocknote.com/ or by texting the word FINBAR to 84576.

Sunday Mass Information

Thank you to those of you who came to our Mass last weekend. If you have yet to join us for our Sunday Mass please click here to view our revised Sunday Mass schedule and guidelines.The Sunday Mass dispensation remains in place. We will continue to record Sunday Mass in our church for posting on our Vimeo channel and parish website on Sunday mornings. 


The Saint Finbar Church Pastoral Team

May we continue to persevere in faith that allows us to be steadfast in our trials. We are sustained by God’s grace.