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June 1, 2024
Friday Finbar Update with Fr. Francis – 5/31/24
As we celebrate the Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Mother this day, we recall the event when Mary SHARES the presence of Jesus Christ with her cousin St. Elizabeth and baby John the Baptist in her womb. Like the Blessed Mother, we too are called to SHARE Christ’s presence in all the people we encounter. This truly is the Good News we are called to SHARE with the world. May God continue to grant us all the strength to SHARE His love and grace with one another.
This Sunday, please SHARE your time and presence with me as I celebrate 20 Years of Priesthood in Albert Hall after the 9am Mass in Spanish and the 11 am Mass in English. Blessings!
May 25, 2024
Friday Finbar Update with Fr. Francis – 5/24/24
O Most Holy Trinity, UNDIVIDED unity,
Holy God, mighty God,
God immortal, be adored!
As we prepare to celebrate Trinity Sunday this weekend, let us recall that God desires for us to build right relationships with one another to reflect God’s UNDIVIDED nature of love. When we as a family of God are UNDIVIDED, we are able to accomplish great things. When families are UNDIVIDED, we maintain our unity with the Lord in love. May we constantly be open to the grace we need to love and forgive in order to be UNDIVIDED and united together in God’s love.