
Welcome to our blog.

Amidst the changes and disruptions we are all currently experiencing, God, His mercy, and His love remain CONSTANT. May we build our lives on Him, who is our one and true solid foundation.

To the members of the Saint Finbar Church community:

The following is an invitation to join our Saint Finbar Church Bible Study – the Gospel of St. Mark – starting Tuesday, August 4th at 7:00 PM via of zoom:

Join Zoom Meeting: https://jerde.zoom.us/j/93406270170?pwd=cm1YWS9zVGx4enFJZW1JbFgycFVjUT09
Meeting ID: 934 0627 0170
Passcode: 601913


Dear friends,

Reading and interpreting the bible can be a bit overwhelming and sometimes it is best to study it with a group of people.  We have an excellent opportunity to read the gospel of Mark, the first gospel written regarding Jesus’ ministry.  As a part of the study, we will briefly discuss the different versions of the bible and learn of the historical background of Jesus’ time.  Also we’ll discuss some ways to help us better understand parables, miracles, teachings, and Jesus’ overall mission.  Hopefully by the end of the sessions, we will have more tools to bring a deeper meaning of the scriptures into our own lives.
You are all invited to attend this once a week bible study over Zoom and please feel free to follow along with your own personal bible. If you don’t have a bible, no problem, we will use different online bibles during the study.

Thank you and hope to see you there!

Joe Marando

As we hear the parable of the sower in today’s Gospel, Jesus invites us to allow the seeds of faith to go deep, to take root, and bear much fruit in our lives. May we prepare our hearts and souls to receive the seeds of faith He constantly sows in our lives.