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August 27, 2019

Friends of the Poor Walk

The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul at Saint Finbar Church invites you to join them for their annual Friends of the Poor Walk on Saturday, September 28 at 9:30am. Please join us for a Holy Mass at 8:00am at Saint Finbar prior to the walk.

All young adults ages of 18-35 are invited to join us for our Hike and Holy Mass with Rev. Francis Mendoza on Saturday, August 17th at The Vasquez Rocks.

Please RSVP to: FrFrancisMendoza@gmail.com

August 2, 2019

Stop The Bleed Workshop

The Saint Finbar Health Ministry is hosting a stop the bleed workshop provided by Providence Holy Cross Medical Center.
The workshop will take place on Saturday, August 17th from 1-3pm.
For more information, please contact the Health Ministry at: StFinbarHealth@gmail.com