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October 26, 2024
Friday Finbar Update with Fr. Francis – 10/25/24
The gift of SIGHT is one of God’s blessings and one of our most used physical senses. As Christian disciples, we are called to pray for a deeper spiritual SIGHT. We need the eyes of God to see what God sees. At times we only use our human SIGHT and not our spiritual SIGHT to see situations that unfold in our lives. We do need the eyes of God to see all of the beautiful blessings all around us. At times we do not have the SIGHT to see God’s graces and miracles that occur all around us. In these matters, we truly are blind at times. May we pray for the grace to keep our hearts and eyes open to have SIGHT in the things that truly matter to God.
October 18, 2024
Friday Finbar Update with Fr. Francis – 10/18/24
Today, we celebrate the Feast of St. Luke the Evangelist, one of the four GOSPEL writers in the New Testament. GOSPEL means “good news”. In the GOSPEL according to St. Luke, we receive the beautiful revelation of a God who desires to bring healing and mercy to those who are lost and in darkness. We especially see this in the parable of the Prodigal Son which only occurs in the GOSPEL of Luke. We as children of God are given a mission as the body of Christ to share and proclaim the GOSPEL of Jesus Christ to all whom we encounter. May we who have received so many blessings and graces from our Lord share the good news, the GOSPEL, that our God is a God of love and mercy constantly seeking us out when we are in need or forsaken. And may we remember St. Francis’ words regarding the GOSPEL: “Preach the GOSPEL always; use words when necessary.”