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May 14, 2022
Friday Finbar Update with Fr. Francis 5/13/2022
The FOUNDATION for our earthly life is faith. When we surrender to our Good Shepherd Jesus in faith, he will lead us to live an abundant life. The FOUNDATION to our Catholic Faith is the Eucharist. Communion with the Lord is what truly gives us solid ground – a FOUNDATION – in which we can stand on in a world filled with uncertainties. May we encourage one another, especially our youngest disciples, to build a FOUNDATION of faith that will serve us throughout our entire lives. Please keep in prayer all of our 2nd graders and school children who will receive their First Communion tomorrow. May the Eucharist serve as the FOUNDATION of their faith journey in Christ.
Our God is a God who FEEDS and nourishes us on our journey of faith. He FEEDS us with the greatest food for our souls: the Eucharist. In this food, we are able to remain in communion with God’s grace and love. Food is a love language. As we prepare to celebrate our mothers this Sunday on Mother’s Day, may we be grateful for all of the ways they FEED us not only physically but in every way they nurture us by their love and sacrifice.
Please pray for all of our young disciples of the community who God will FEED tomorrow and next week with the gift of the Eucharist in the celebration of their First Communion: our Faith Formation children on Saturday May 7th at 10 am, and our St. Finbar School children on Saturday May 14th at 10 am.
Lastly, I am grateful to all those that served and volunteered to FEED the community at our St. Finbar barbecue last Saturday April 30th, especially our school staff, parish volunteers, and the Knights of Columbus. May we continue to nurture our faith journey by FEEDing each other through service and community.
April 30, 2022
Friday Finbar Update with Fr. Francis 4/29/2022
We CELEBRATE God’s definitive victory over sin and death through the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Fifty days are given to us as God’s family to enter deeply this new reality and CELEBRATE a new life in the Holy Spirit! This weekend, all are invited to CELEBRATE the gift of community and the joy we share at our Saturday BBQ Fundraiser.
I am looking forward to CELEBRATE all of God’s blessings with you tomorrow, Saturday April 30th from 12noon to 10 pm. Please click the link for more info: https://stfinbarburbank.org/2022/04/25/saturday-april-30th-saint-finbar-community-bbq/