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June 27, 2021
XIII Domingo Ordinario – Misa en Español 06/27/21
Jesús, nuestro Buen Pastor, nos llama a tener fe, a tener una fe profunda. Aunque encontremos dificultades, privaciones y situaciones desesperantes en nuestra vida, Dios siempre está ahí para sanarnos y liberarnos. Él tiene un poder increíble para traer milagros a nuestras vidas, si solo tenemos fe para creer.
June 26, 2021
Friday Finbar Update with Fr. Francis 6/25/21
As we EMBRACE the different transitions in our community’s journey to restoration and renewal, may our hearts be open to the EMBRACE of God. We have spent a long time being far away from EMBRACES as the book of Ecclesiastes recognizes. May this new season bring us closer to God and one another united in an EMBRACE of peace and joy!
Happy Father’s Day to all of our dads and father figures who continue to encourage us and help guide us in our lives! Through every hardship, difficulty, struggle, and storm we only need to remember that Jesus is with us on the boat and that Christ is in the crisis. We only need to have faith. May God the Father continue to give us strength and encouragement on our journey to heaven.