
Welcome to our blog.

Our Lord Jesus Christ calls us this Sunday to REMAIN in Him. He is the vine and we are the branches. In a world filled with so much darkness and uncertainty, may we stay united deep in communion with our Lord who gives us true peace and the fullness of life.

Nuestro Señor Jesucristo nos llama este domingo a PERMANECER en Él. Él es la vid y nosotros los sarmientos. En un mundo lleno de tanto miedo e incertidumbre, estemos pues unidos en profunda comunión con nuestro Señor que nos da verdadera paz y plenitud de vida.

As we continue our journey to new life in the Easter Season, God’s grace truly REVIVES us and makes us whole once again. Grateful for all of your prayers as we continue to be REVIVED in the Lord. We are already indoors for Sunday Mass and beginning this Monday, May 3, 2021, we will begin weekday Mass Monday – Friday at 8am.

Please also join us for a great BBQ sponsored by the Knights of Columbus tomorrow Saturday – May 1st from 11:30 am to 8pm. Pre-Order Information here:
