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Blessings on this 2nd Sunday of Easter also known as Divine Mercy Sunday. As we journey into the season of new life, part of what God desires to restore and renew is our relationships with one another. We open our hearts to receive the outpouring of God’s DIVINE MERCY so that we may be instruments of love and mercy for the world.

Bendiciones en este Segundo Domingo de Pascua, también conocido como Domingo de la Divina Misericordia. A medida que viajamos a la época de la nueva vida, parte de lo que Dios desea restaurar y renovar son las relaciones entre nosotros. Abrimos nuestros corazones para recibir la efusión de la DIVINA MISERICORDIA para que podamos ser instrumentos de amor y misericordia para el mundo.

Happy Easter! As we prepare for Divine MERCY Sunday, we acknowledge the outpouring of God’s MERCY upon us as God’s children. God’s love and MERCY endures forever. I am grateful to God’s MERCY that has brought LA County to the Orange tier which allows us to now prepare for the celebration of Mass and the Sacraments inside the Church beginning the weekend of April 17-18.