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Nuestro caminar durante la Cuaresma requiere sacrificio y entrega total de nuestros corazones para podernos preparar para una NUEVA VIDA, sabiendo que este proceso nos conducirá a compartir la gloria de Dios. Mientras viajamos con Jesús a Monte Tabor este Domingo para presenciar la transfiguración, recordemos que la gloria de Dios es lo que compartiremos al final.

Every year, on the 2nd Sunday of Lent which we will celebrate this Sunday, we hear the Gospel account of the TRANSFIGURATION where Jesus radiated with glory as the Son of God. We too are called in this holy season to transformation and TRANSFIGURATION as we move out of fear into love and shine God’s glory for the world.

God desires for us a new life in His grace. May we stay open to God as we journey into this lenten season and take seriously God’s call to die to ourselves so that we may be made new.