
Welcome to our blog.

As we enter into Labor Day Weekend, may we continue to WORK on building our relationships in Christ, finding the grace to love and forgive one another. This is how we are to build the Kingdom of God.

Special Advisory: Due to extreme heat conditions in Southern California over Labor Day weekend, our scheduled outdoor Mass celebrations for this Sunday morning (09/06) have been cancelled. Sunday Mass is available for viewing on our website and our Vimeo channel. Our outdoor Sunday Mass schedule will resume next weekend (09/13).

Al celebrar el día del Trabajo en este fin de semana largo, continuemos trabajando en construir nuestra relación con Jesucristo, encontrando la gracia para amarnos y perdonarnos uno al otro. De esta manera es como debemos construir el Reino de Dios.

A Message from Father Francis:

Happy Labor Day Weekend. I invite you to find rest and LEISURE this holiday weekend for it is in LEISURE that we are able to create space for reflection and introspection.

St. Vincent de Paul – Friends of the Poor Virtual Walk:

Join us on the Saint Vincent de Paul Friends of the Poor Virtual Walk on Saturday, September 26th at 9am. To register to walk or to sponsor a walker, please visit: fopwalk.org and choose the team “FINBARBURBANK“. For more information please call us at (818) 940-3927. All proceeds from the Friends of the Poor Virtual Walk will be used to serve the poor in our Burbank community.

Saint Finbar Church Flocknote Group

If you haven’t already done so, please consider joining our Saint Finbar Church Flocknote group so we can provide you with important parish news and keep you “in the know” as we journey together through the COVID-19 health emergency. You can join by going to https://saintfinbarchurch.flocknote.com/ or by texting the word FINBAR to 84576.

Sunday Mass Information

Thank you to those of you who came to our Mass last weekend. If you have yet to join us for our Sunday Mass please click here to view our revised Sunday Mass schedule and guidelines.The Sunday Mass dispensation remains in place. We will continue to record Sunday Mass in our church for posting on our Vimeo channel and parish website on Sunday mornings. 


The Saint Finbar Church Pastoral Team