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Vivir una vida Cristiana no es fácil, es más fácil perder nuestro objetivo y enfocarnos en lo que el mundo nos ofrece. Jesús nos invita el día de hoy a que cambiemos nuestro caminar y regresemos al camino verdadero, a la vida eterna, regresar a Dios. Él nos dará la paz y el verdadero descanso.

We have gone through so much during this pandemic and we continue to feel the burden as we carry this heavy load. Jesus invites us this Sunday to come to him so we may find true peace and rest.

Happy 4th of July Weekend to everyone! As we celebrate the gift of FREEDOM, may we be guided by God’s Holy Spirit to use this gift well. FREEDOM properly understood is not the ability to do whatever we want, but truly to choose God’s will and build each other up in the Lord.