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September 2, 2020
August Update from Father Francis
To the members of the Saint Finbar Church community:
As we journey together through the COVID-19 health emergency, I’d like to announce some exciting news!
Called to Renew Projects
As an outcome of the Called To Renew campaign, we will begin major restoration work throughout the Saint Finbar Church complex. We are grateful to all those who made a Called To Renew pledge and continue to faithfully make pledge payments especially during these challenging times. Your generosity and your sacrifice will benefit our community for many years to come!
The restoration work approved by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles through the Called To Renew campaign includes but is not limited to:
Faith Center
Replacement of the building’s roof including a new covering for the 2nd floor deck.
Replacement of the window systems on the east-facing wall.
Repainting of the exterior of the building.
Sealing and re-striping of the parking lot.
Holy Spirit Center
Replacement of the main roof over Pentecost Bay.
Replacement of the climate control system over Pentecost Bay with a new 5-ton package unit.
A new asphalt layer will be applied to the parking lot in front of the parish office and adjacent to the church. The parking lot will also be re-striped.
Thank you again for your generous and sacrificial support of the Called To Renew campaign. These restoration projects are in addition to the major parish projects outlined during the campaign.
Parish Operations
I am personally grateful to all those who have continued to contribute to Saint Finbar Church through weekly envelopes and our electronic giving platform. Your generosity and sacrificial giving has allowed us to maintain our operations and continue to meet the needs of our community members at this very challenging time.
To ensure every contribution received is invested wisely and prudently, we have temporarily closed all parish facilities not in active use and reduced overall staffing hours. Even in the midst of this pandemic, we will continue to provide services vital to our community members.At Saint Finbar Church, no one journeys alone and no one should feel they are alone. The members of the Saint Finbar Church Pastoral Team are available to serve you.
As much as we must grapple with the unfortunate realities of the COVID-19 health emergency, we will continue to walk in faith. Through your generosity and as we envision our post-pandemic community, we are preparing now to welcome you back and, by God’s grace, to meet your needs now and to meet the future needs of our growing community. We are planning to resume Faith Formation classes in the fall. We are in the midst of renovating the interior spaces of the Faith Center to provide for adequate social distancing when in-person classes resume.
We continue to invest in our online presence through the ongoing development of our Vimeo channel and by building out our Flocknote presence.
We are grateful to you for your generous and ongoing support especially during these challenging times and I humbly ask that you continue your support. Please know every contribution received is being invested wisely and prudently for the benefit of our community members and in anticipation of the days ahead when our facilities will be reopened and we may gather as God’s children in peace and as a people of faith.
Father Francis.
September 1, 2020
Special Mass Advisory – Sunday, September 6th
Outdoor Mass Cancellation Due To Extreme Heat Conditions!
Due to extreme heat conditions in Southern California over Labor Day weekend, our scheduled outdoor Mass celebrations for this Sunday (September 6th) have been cancelled. Sunday Mass is available for viewing on our website and our Vimeo channel. Our Sunday outdoor Mass schedule will resume next weekend (September 13th). Please be advised that the dispensation from the obligation of Sunday Mass is still in effect.
Please see this heat advisory from the National Weather Service. Please remain safe, remain hydrated and remain in an indoor, air conditioned location as much as possible throughout the Labor Day weekend.
Sign up for the Saint Finbar Church Flocknote group by clicking on the link to receive the latest parish news and information in the most timely way possible.
The Saint Finbar Church Pastoral Team
August 30, 2020
22nd Sunday of Ordinary Time – Mass in English 8/30/20
Jesus makes clear for us the cost of discipleship. If we are to follow him, we must carry our crosses faithfully. May we constantly find strength in God to do so.