
Welcome to our blog.

Whenever we are far away from God, or feel disconnected from Him, He always INITIATES our return to Him. He desires for us to renew our relationship with Him constantly. This weekend, we will INITIATE the holiest week of our liturgical year with the celebration of Palm Sunday. We will journey with Christ and enter in to his Passion, Death, and Resurrection. Let us prepare our hearts as we prepare to INITIATE Holy Week!

Here is a link to our Holy Week Schedule: https://stfinbarburbank.org/2022/03/04/2022-lent-schedule/

Please invite friends and family to join us. Lastly, please keep in your prayers our brothers and sisters who will be INITIATED into the church on Easter Vigil Night:

Charles Camacho
Martin De La Cruz
Danica Delgado
Porsha Jamshidinia
Brayden Krase
Steven Krase
Joseph Westmoreland

May God bless them as they prepare for the sacraments of INITIATION!

Happy April FOOL’s day! On this day, amidst the pranks and jokes, may we take time to remember that following Christ will seem FOOLish to the world. Some will see us as FOOLs when we choose to live with faith, hope, and love in a world filled with darkness and hopelesness. And we are FOOLS! For we are FOOLS for Christ who believe that His love and mercy can change every situation.

On this beautiful Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord, we honor our Blessed Mother and her faithful YES to God’s plan to bear the Son of God. May we constantly pray for the grace to say YES to God’s will in our own lives that allows the Kingdom of God to be present in our midst.

On this special day, Archbishop Gomez has asked all of the faithful of the Archdiocese to join Pope Francis in praying the special prayer of the Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary for Russia and Ukraine. Please click on this link for the text: https://www.usccb.org/prayers/act-consecration-immaculate-heart-mary-russia-and-ukraine

and join me in praying this prayer starting at 6:57 in the video.

May our Blessed Mother, the Queen of Peace, bring peace to all hearts and all parts of the world as we say YES to God’s perfect plan in our lives.