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As Jesus ascends to heaven, he completes his mission here on earth and invites us to begin our mission to proclaim the good news to the whole world. This is a huge moment of transition for the early church. In moments of great transition in our own lives, God invites us to fully trust in Him as he sends us the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Mientras Jesús asciende al cielo, completa su misión aquí en la tierra y nos invita a comenzar nuestra misión de proclamar las buenas nuevas al mundo entero. Este es un gran momento de transición para la iglesia primitiva. En momentos de gran transición en nuestras propias vidas, Dios nos invita a confiar plenamente en Él mientras nos envía la guía del Espíritu Santo.

As we prepare for the celebration of Ascension as well as the outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit at Pentecost, we as a family of God are called to PRAY! PRAY is what our Blessed Mother and the Apostles did in the Upper Room between the Ascension and Pentecost. And PRAY is what I am inviting the whole community to as we prepare for a new beginning for our Church and our mission as Christian disciples. Please PRAY that God may continue to lead us and our community. Please also PRAY in a special way for all of our teens and adult candidates for Confirmation.